By Jean La Traverse – District 1 President
The CLW trophy is presented annually to a member in good standing of District 1 of the ACBL who has demonstrated outstanding ethical behavior and/or excellence in tournament or disciplinary administration.
The Selection Committee is pleased to announce M. Sylvain Descôteaux as the 2019 recipient of this award, joining Stan Tench, Karl Hicks, Gus Duchesne and Jean Claude Boudreault.
As director, M. Descôteaux has been supporting numerous tournaments and events for many years. His presence and knowledge have contributed in creating the ideal setting for wholesome competition. His sense of humor has added a colorful touch to many events.
Always up to date on current bridge laws and regulations, M. Descôteaux is a constant reference resource for many directors. Perfectly bilingual and always available, he is well respected by all. He has proven to be a great ambassador for bridge throughout his career.
The committee wishes to recognize his constant contribution to the evolution of bridge and is proud to present him with this honor.
Congratulations Sylvain!